• 2006, 2007 & 2008 : World Taekwondo Championships

    1st Place - Gold, Individual, Male, Senior 1 Division

  • 2006 - 2008 : Member of Korean National Team

  • 2007 - 2008 : Kukkiwon (Headquarters of Taekwondo) Demonstration Team

  • 2008 - 2009 : Korean National Demonstration Team

  • 2009 - 2010 : Coach for Ecuador National Team

  • 2011 : World University Game in Shenzhen - Coach for Chinese National Team

  • 2012 - Current : Head Coach for UC Berkeley Taekwondo Team

  • 2017 - Current : Head Coach for Team Kim BoHyeon

Join Our Taekwondo Program and Unleash Your Potential!
Are you looking to embark on a journey of self-improvement, discipline, and physical fitness? Look no further than our renowned taekwondo program at Ji Sung Taekwondo! With our dedicated instructors, state-of-the-art facilities, and comprehensive training curriculum, we invite you to join our growing community of taekwondo enthusiasts.

Why Choose Ji Sung Taekwondo?
1. Expert Instruction: Our experienced and certified instructors are passionate about taekwondo and dedicated to helping you reach your full potential. They will guide you through each step of your journey, ensuring personalized attention to your progress.
2. Unparalleled Facilities: Ji Sung Taekwondo boasts modern and well-equipped facilities, providing the ideal environment for your training. From spacious training areas to specialized equipment, you'll have everything you need to excel in taekwondo.
3. Comprehensive Curriculum: Designed to cater to individuals of all ages and skill levels, our taekwondo program encompasses various aspects of the martial art. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced practitioner, our curriculum will challenge you, enhance your fitness, and refine your technique.
4. Building Confidence: Taekwondo not only strengthens your body but also enhances your mental and emotional well-being. At Ji Sung Taekwondo, we prioritize instilling discipline, self-confidence, and respect in each of our students. Our program empowers you to face life's challenges with resilience and determination.
5. Fun and Supportive Community: Joining Ji Sung Taekwondo means becoming a part of our tight-knit community. You'll meet like-minded individuals who share your passion for taekwondo and support one another throughout the journey. From group classes to team-building events, we ensure a fun and engaging atmosphere.

How to Get Started:

1. One-Week Trial Class: Experience the thrill of taekwondo by attending a One-Week trial class. This will give you a taste of our training methods, instructor guidance, and the overall atmosphere of our taekwondo program.
2. Personalized Assessment: After your trial class, our instructors will provide you with a personalized assessment to understand your goals, abilities, and aspirations. This assessment will assist us in tailoring a training plan that suits your individual needs.
3. Choose Your Program: We offer a range of programs for children, teenagers, and adults. Whether you're interested in recreational training or pursuing competitive goals, we have a program that will suit your preferences and schedule.
4. Join Our Community: By joining Ji Sung Taekwondo, you'll not only embark on a transformative journey but also become part of a supportive community. We organize seminars, workshops, and social events to facilitate bonding among our students and instructors.
Don't wait any longer to unlock your true potential through the art of taekwondo. Join us at Ji Sung Taekwondo and witness the remarkable changes it can bring to your life. Contact us today to schedule your One-Week trial class and take the first step towards a stronger, confident, and healthier you!

Give your child the lifelong gifts of personal success, confidence, discipline and self-defense

With over 20 years teaching high-level Tae Kwon Do in the U.S.

Our school is so much more than simply kicking and punching. We strive towards strong work ethics and discipline while still making it fun and challenging for our students. Our masters know how important it is to develop positive habits at an early stage and use this to build a solid martial arts and self defense foundation for students young and old.



You are not sure whether our program is right fit for your child?

We also would like to see how our program works for you or your child.

What is included?

  • One-Week Trial Classes (2 classes)

  • Uniform included

Fee: $50

Please feel free to reach us to ask more information. We are excited to meet you on the mat soon !





10am-1pm (Special Team Training Only)


“We started Taekwondo six years ago and have had a couple different Taekwondo Masters teach my boys. I honestly thought all Taekwondo instructors were the same and it didn't make a big difference in their practice.

After three years of training with Master Kim, I was able to see a significant difference in my boy's Taekwondo practice and character. Master Kim who is a world renown world champion in Taekwondo, his level of instruction is also world class.

Quality of Instruction: Master Kim is able to engage with students at their level- make it fun yet also challenge each child to strive for perfection in form and practice. My boys absolutely love their classes and always look forward to it. We also enrolled my four year old daughter and she loved it too.

Quality of Form/Practice: We were able to attend two different local tournaments in USA and in Korea. My oldest received a gold and silver medal, and my youngest received two silvers. I didn't realize the difference in their forms until we were able to objectively see them compared to other peers from different dojangs.

Master Kim makes sure their forms are literally perfect. He is precise, encouraging, yet makes sure that our kids are getting the best Taekwondo instructions in order to make them the best in their own way.

Quality of Character: We have been able to see Master Kim walk the talk of the five tenets of Taekwondo: Courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control and indomitable spirit. These tenets of character are just as important for our children to practice and learn- and Master Kim was able to show this and teach this in his practice to our children.

We feel so fortunate to have Master Kim as our boys Taekwondo instructor. Their love and fervor  for Taekwondo has grown immensely through him. They hope to one day be able to fly in the air while breaking boards just like Master Kim!”

-Christina P.